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Manuscript Types

Original Research Articles: These papers offer a detailed account of new findings from completed research projects. The journal encourages submissions that make use of qualitative and mixed designs. The structure of these academic works must mandatorily follow an organization into five fundamental sections: introduction, method, findings, discussion, and conclusions.

Literature Review Articles: These academic texts provide comprehensive overviews or detailed analyses that capture the progress and current trends within a specific knowledge domain, centering on a distinct topic or issue. The journal welcomes both systematic and narrative literature reviews that involve a methodical approach to selecting and critically appraising sources. This flexibility encourages a broad and inclusive examination of the subject matter.

Reflection Articles: These are writings that present theories, critical interpretations, conceptualizations on epistemological themes or methodological developments that arise from research previously completed by the authors. These documents focus on theoretical elaboration and contribute new perspectives or critical reflections on the methods and existing knowledge in a specific field of study. Its basic structure consists of an introduction, main body, and conclusions, although it may vary depending on the nature of the analysis.

Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions must be original and must not have been previously published or be under review in another journal.
  • The manuscript's length must be between 6000 and 8000 words, including notes, tables, and references.
  • The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, on letter-size paper (8.5” x 11”), with single-line spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 3cm margins throughout the document.
  • The file containing the manuscript must be completely anonymized, not showing any reference to the author's name, personal data, institutional affiliation, or any other information that could reveal their identity (as well as any reference in the file's properties).
  • The title's length must not exceed 14 words.
  • The manuscript must include an analytical abstract with a length between 150 and 250 words.
  • The manuscript should contain between 4 and 6 keywords designed to assist search engines. These terms must accurately reflect the document's content and be representative of the specific area of study.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables must be within the text in their corresponding place, duly numbered, and not at the end. Additionally, it must be indicated whether they are of one's own creation or the source from which they are extracted.
  • For in-text citations and references, APA 7 standards must be used. Additionally, DOIs or the web addresses of the references should be added where possible.
  • In order to complete an article submission the following documents must be provided:  anonymized manuscript (.doc), originality letter and rights transfer (.pdf) and  metadata and authorship form (.xlsx).

Submission Documents


For more information about the editing and review process, as well as publication policies, refer to the About the Journal page.