Influence of Emotional Intelligence On the Academic Performance of Adolescents: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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José Araujo Muñoz
Roberto Blanquicett
Mayra Vidal González


Emotional intelligence has been positively related to the development of certain skills that can be of great benefit in the area of education. In particular, strengthening emotional intelligence in adolescents has a significant impact on the way they regulate their emotions and relate to their peers, which helps them feel more motivated to study and carry out their school activities and thus improve your academic performance. With this in mind, the main objective of this study is to carry out a review of the latest research that deals with the influence that emotional intelligence has on the academic performance of adolescents, analyze the results obtained in this research and obtain information that can help parents and educators of adolescents to understand their behavior and contribute to their school improvement. For this, a systematic review of 30 studies published between 2018 and 2023 was carried out that relate the variables emotional intelligence, academic performance and adolescence. The results obtained in these studies demonstrate that, although emotional intelligence in adolescents is positively related to their academic performance, this relationship is not entirely significant or conclusive. However, it is shown that there are many benefits that can be obtained with programs that promote and develop the emotional intelligence of adolescents, and therefore it is necessary for educational institutions to give this aspect the importance it deserves.



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How to Cite
Araujo Muñoz, J., Blanquicett, R., & Vidal González, M. (2024). Influence of Emotional Intelligence On the Academic Performance of Adolescents: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Saber Ser, 1(2), 36–55.
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